Silesian University of Technology scientist awarded the Liu Tungsheng Medal

Tomasz Kawka/East News

Dr Denis-Didier Rousseau, a professor at the Silesian University of Technology’s Institute of Physics, has been awarded a prestigious prize. The scientist received the Liu Tungsheng Medal for outstanding contributions to the international community in Quaternary science. The award was presented at the 21st INQUA Congress in Rome.

The Liu Tungsheng Outstanding Career Medal has been awarded since 2011 to scientists who have made outstanding and significant research contributions and clearly contributed to the development of Quaternary science by promoting the discipline internationally.

The award is given to commemorate the contributions of Professor Liu, a former member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and research professor at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics in Beijing, China. This scientist has made outstanding contributions to the study of Quaternary palaeoenvironments, particularly in relation to Chinese loess sequences.

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