Sociologists of Adam Mickiewicz University present the second part of the research Daily life in a pandemic


Researchers from the Department of Theory and Research of Social Practices of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań published the second report “Daily life in a pandemic”. Their research was carried out from March 31 to April 8.

The questionnaire contained mainly open questions, leaving the respondents a lot of freedom and allowing them to report everyday experiences related to the pandemic.

– The results of the analyzes bring not only the empirical patterns, but also the findings of a more general nature. We tried to include them in short terms such as (un)leisure, desynchronization, new routines, Pollyanna syndrome, retraditionalization, gender equality reset, and forced reflectivity. In our opinion, these categories show the most important changes in everyday life of Poles caused by the pandemic and indicate the specifics of these transformations, opportunities and threats – say the report’s authors.
The abridged version of the report is available at:

Higher education