Sociologists of the University of Opole receive a grant from the International Visegrad Fund


Sociologists from the University of Opole, together with their colleagues from the Czech Hradec Kralove, have obtained a grant from the International Visegrad Fund and will implement the project “Borders & Dialogue: Past and Present of the Czech-Polish Borderland”.

Students and lecturers of transcultural communication from the University of Hradec Králove and intercultural communication from the University of Opole will participate in a series of joint workshops and lectures as well as analytical and popularizing activities. The project will start in September and will last until July 2021. It will result in the exhibition ‘Borders and Dialogue’.

– The topic is the cultural identity of the Broumov region, for which Opole will be an analytical counterpoint. Students will practice art-based methods to design and carry out socio-artistic interventions in the Broumov monastery and the palace in Moszna – says Dr Michał Wanke, project coordinator from the University of Opole.
