Special tram promotes studies at the Silesian Medical University 

Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny

Until 24 June, a special tram promoting studies at the Silesian Medical University will run through Katowice and Chorzów. Its carriages present the 20 medical faculties offered to future students by the Silesian university, where recruitment for the new academic year has already begun.

In addition to the existing 18 faculties, the promotional tram featured two new ones: “Cosmetic chemistry” at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Sosnowiec and “Health coach” at the Faculty of Public Health in Bytom.

To coincide with the arrival of the tram and the start of recruitment, the university has also prepared a ‘Catch us in town’ campaign. Surprises await university applicants, students and staff who manage to spot the tram and take a photo of it. Details of this initiative can be found on the social media of the Silesian Medical University in Katowice.

Read more: https://sum.edu.pl/pl/wiadomosci/obchody-75-lecia/tramwaj-sum-wyruszyl-w-droge

Higher education