Spin-off company of the University of Warsaw receives Economic Award of the President of Poland


The spin-off company Warsaw Genomics of the University of Warsaw (UW) received the Economic Award of the President of Poland in the Startup_PL category. The company offers innovative diagnostic tests of genetic diseases.

Warsaw Genomics was founded in 2015 and employs specialists of laboratory diagnostics, bioinformatics, geneticists, biologists and doctors. It performs genetic tests that allow scientists to diagnose the gene responsible for the disease or determine the risk of developing hereditary ailments as cancer, but also those affecting e.g. the nervous, digestive or immune systems. Research carried out by Warsaw Genomics also helps choose better therapies for cancer patients.

The company was nominated for the award by the Polish Promotional Label “Teraz Polska” Foundation. The companies that have been on the market for no more than 5 years and have created a product or technological innovation can be nominated for the Startup_PL category.

Innovations Medicine and biotechnology