The Wrocław University of Life Sciences has launched the Student Ekstranet – a new Internet space fully dedicated to the university’s students. The service will separate information content aimed directly at students from publicly available information on the homepage.
“Students are a key group in the university community and need their own space, including in the virtual world. The university should provide them with a place that allows them to express their own opinions, discuss, inform each other about successes or events, effectively communicate and search for information from student organisations, authorities, teachers, administration, etc.”, says Dr Przemysław Tymków, Director of the Centre for Resources and Support for Teaching, responsible for the introduction of Ekstranet.
This is the first version of the platform, which will be continuously developed and updated. One can organise one’s calendar there, find important information and keep up to date with all events.
Read more: https://upwr.edu.pl/aktualnosci/na-upwr-startuje-ekstranet-studencki-4201.html