Student of the Medical University of Gdańsk wins the INTERSTUDENT competition


Charles Woode from Ghana, a 3rd year student of the Nursing of the English Division of the Medical University of Gdańsk, won the prestigious INTERSTUDENT competition in the MA category.

The competition is addressed to foreigners studying at Polish universities. The prizes are awarded in the following categories: undergraduate studies, master’s studies and PhD studies. The jury distinguishes active people in the academic life, achieving good results in science and participating in interesting research projects.

The other winners are: Okta Chandra Aulia from Indonesia from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Master’s degree) and Svitlana Sovinska from Ukraine from the Krakow University of Technology (PhD studies). Special awards for supporting foreigners and charity were received by: Danylo Funtovoi from Ukraine – a student of the Lublin University of Technology and Lisa Aditya from Indonesia, studying at the Gdańsk University of Technology.

Events Higher education