Students and researchers from three Wroclaw universities design a community garden for seniors

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu

Students from the scientific circles of the University of Life Sciences, Wrocław University of Science and Technology and the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław have united to design and build a community garden for the charges of the Day Care Centre on Ciepła Street. The students are building a pergola together, adapting the design to the needs of the elderly. 

The prototype of the pergola module has been accepted by the seniors, so the next stage involves building bench modules, creating paths, relocating some of the plants, landscaping the front of the building, and planting according to the design, which the students will carry out in collaboration with the centre’s seniors. The garden is scheduled to open at the end of September, during Senior Citizens’ Days.

A joint initiative of the city and Wrocław universities, it is being realised with funds from the WAZZA programme, i.e. Wrocław Academic Task Groups. It is one of the forms of cooperation between the city and the academic community as part of the Wrocław Academic Centre.

Read more:–czyli-wspolna-inicjatywa-miasta-i-wroclawskich-uczelni-4115.html
