Students from Asia improve English at the Summer University of Opole


Students from China, Indonesia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan participate in classes held at the Summer University of Opole. They learn English, visit various cities and learn about the history of Poland and Europe.

Four groups of students from Asia – a total of 60 people – came from partner universities: Fujian Normal University, Southwest University and Dalian University of Languages from China and from Universitas Brawijaya from Malang in Indonesia.

For three weeks, students will practice English intensively, and in the afternoons they will be divided into specialist groups: Intercultural competence & communication, Academic English or Art and literature. In the evenings artistic and cultural activities are planned, and on weekends they will trip to Wroclaw, Krakow and European capitals. Participants will live on the university campus, with additional classes accompanied by students from Poland, Ukraine and Turkey.

Events Higher education