Students from Krosno preparing a new car to start in Shell Eco-marathon


Students of the Carpathian State Higher School (KPU) in Krosno are developing a car to break the Polish record. The vehicle of students from the research club “Rotor” is being prepared for the Shell Eco-marathon. It is targeted to travel over a thousand kilometers on one liter of fuel.

They called the car “Piła II”. This is a reference to the previous design, with which they have competed many times in international competitions for young constructors. During the competitions, teams from different countries present the most energy-efficient vehicles possible.

“Piła” from Krosno has already participated in four Shell Eco-marathons. In the last competition in 2019, on the track in the Netherlands, it achieved a result of 749 km on one liter of ethanol.

Unlike its predecessor, “Piła II” will have a self-supporting body, which will significantly improve the parameters of the car. The research group “Rotor” received funding from the Minister of Education and Science to develop their innovative solutions.

Technical sciences