Students of the University of Gdańsk creating a biological Polish-English dictionary 

Karol Makurat/REPORTER

Students of the University of Gdańsk (UG) are creating a Polish-English dictionary covering issues in biology. It is a pioneering initiative of this type at Polish universities.

The “Polish-English biological dictionary” will fill the gap in the world of Polish specialized scientific translations. It will include concepts in biology from biochemistry to ecology.

“The dictionary will contain Polish terms and their corresponding English equivalents along with their short definitions in English, which, however, do not constitute encyclopedic information as in the case of the aforementioned dictionaries, and are more intended to clarify whether a given translation actually refers to the term meant by the readers, which is essential in the case of the ambiguity of a given Polish or English word”, says the project supervisor, Barbara Kubica-Daniel from the Center for Foreign Languages of the University of Gdańsk.

Humanities Medicine and biotechnology