Students of the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław win the competition of the Association of Polish Landscape Architects


Students of the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław took second and third place in the competition of the Association of Polish Landscape Architects for the best engineering and master’s thesis in landscape architecture defended in the academic year 2018-2019.

Magdalena Purgat took the second place in the category of engineering works – for the work “Design concept of a green roof for restaurant and leisure function on the building of the Monopol Hotel in Wrocław”, the third place in the category of master’s theses was taken by Klaudia Ślub for “Concept design for developing a sports complex with a swimming pool in Głubczyce “.

The Competition of the Association of Polish Landscape Architects for the best engineering and master’s theses is a nationwide competition in two stages, carried out annually by another regional branch of the Association. The subject of all works within the research areas focuses on issues within the meaning of the European Landscape Convention.

Technical sciences