Students of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology win the competition of the Ministry of Climate and Environment

Politechnika Wrocławska

Students of the Faculty of Architecture of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology took second and third place in the national competition for the design of an environmentally friendly house in the time of the climate crisis. The “House with Climate” competition was organized by the Ministry of Climate and Environment.

Through the competition, the resort wants to broaden the knowledge about ecological construction and a favorable climate among students and graduates.

Designs of single-family houses submitted to the competition had to be environmentally friendly, provide high comfort of use and health conditions, rationally minimize the carbon footprint and energy demand, and thus constitute a set of good practices in the time of the climate crisis.

The second place in the competition was taken by Julia Lipińska, whose design is based on a wooden frame construction system made of renewable material. The third place went to Weronika Roemer, who designed a house in the strawbale technology – in a wooden structure with straw filling.

More: Friendzne -dla-srodowiska-projekty-jako-zbior-dobrych-praktyk-12553.html

Technical sciences