Students of Wrocław University of Science and Technology receive an award in the Student Aerospace Challenge competition


The team of students Innspace of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology received one of the main prizes in the Student Aerospace Challenge, a prestigious competition of suborbital flights. The organizer of the competition is the French association promoting space tourism – Astronaute Club Européen.

The competition is addressed to students from the member countries of the European Space Agency. Each of the starting teams had a task to work out one issue out of ten problems prepared by the organizers.

The Innspace members decided to analyze the passenger suborbital flight market. It took them several months. Their work on the project was supported by the Polish Space Agency. The results of the research were appreciated by the jury, which awarded the Innspace one of three prizes – the ArianeGroup Prize. The prize will allow the Wrocław team to take part in the international hackathon final in France, in which the main prize is the ZeroG parabolic flight.
