Support from the self-government of the Lubuskie voivodeship for the Gorzów branch of the Academy of Physical Education in Poznań

Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Poznaniu

The local government of the Lubuskie voivodeship has allocated PLN 300,000 to support the Gorzów branch of the Academy of Physical Education (AWF) in Poznań. The agreement was signed by the rector of the AWF, Dr Dariusz Wieliński, Professor of the university, and the vice-marshal of the voivodeship, Łukasz Porycki. The support concerns the faculties of Dietetics and Physiotherapy.

‘They are medical faculties and faculties bordering on medicine. Medical faculties in particular require the purchase of specialist equipment and furnishings for laboratories and workshops. With this support, they can be taught in a way that meets modern standards. This is another tranche of support from the Marshal’s Office, and our cooperation has lasted for several years’, says the rector.

‘Every year, the local government of the Lubuskie Voivodeship supports higher education institutions in our region. There is no doubt that physiotherapists are in great demand these days. These courses will be consistently supported by the marshal’s office’, assures deputy marshal Łukasz Porycki. 

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Higher education