Prof. Mikołaj Cześnik and Prof. Ben Stanley from SWPS University have been awarded the prize for the best article published in the scientific journal “East European Politics” (“EEP”).
Every year, the editors of ‘EEP’ recognise academics who not only conduct research at the highest level, but also manage to describe it in an attractive way. The awarded publication is about populist attitudes among Polish voters.
The award-winning article, ‘Uninformed or informed populists? The relationship between political knowledge, socio-economic status, and populist attitudes in Poland’ (Populists uninformed or informed? The relationship between political knowledge, socio-economic status, and populist attitudes in Poland) was published in 2022, in the 38th volume of the journal East European Politics. The editorial team unanimously agreed that the publication by Prof. Mikołaj Cześnik and Prof. Ben Stanley is a significant contribution to the highly relevant discourse currently taking place in political science.
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