Take your dog or cat to class at Wrocław University of Life Sciences

Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu

Students and employees of the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław (UPWr) who, for various reasons, do not want to leave their dogs or cats unattended, can now bring them with them to work and to classes.

“We are a natural science university; animal welfare is very important to us. So is the wellbeing of our students and staff. Together we are building a campus, in the sense of a place where we feel comfortable and where we initiate the changes in which we participate. I would also like us to be a university that shows that it is possible to function in friendship with the environment and promotes such attitudes”, says UPWr rector Jarosław Bosy. 

The presence of pets must not violate health and safety rules: animals must be vaccinated, healthy and must not pose a threat; they must be on a leash in public places. They are also not allowed in rooms where laboratory work is taking place or chemicals are stored.

Read more: https://upwr.edu.pl/aktualnosci/z-psem-lub-kotem-na-uczelnie-upwr-otwiera-drzwi-dla-zwierzat-4158.html

Higher education