The Warsaw Zodiak Architecture Pavilion was the venue for the presentation of the Warsaw Mayor’s Awards for theses on the development of Warsaw.
“We need your knowledge, not only as the Office, but above all as the citizens of Warsaw. Without knowledge, there can be no real discussion and dispute, which can give rise to new ideas. And today we really need new ideas in order to design new cities and new social institutions”, said Warsaw Mayor Rafał Trzaskowski during the award presentation.
The award for the best master’s thesis was given to Halina Radomska from the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, for ‘Model of bee-friendly urban social space’.
The main prize in the PhD thesis category was awarded to Dr Jakub Rok from the EUROREG Centre for European Regional and Local Studies at the University of Warsaw for his thesis ‘Air pollution and welfare: Development costs on the example of the Warsaw Agglomeration’.