Third University Mission of the State Higher Vocational School in Legnica


State Higher Vocational School in Legnica is implementing the project “Third University Mission – an opportunity for the development of passion, interests and education of people at risk of social exclusion.” The University has received almost PLN 350,000 from the European Social Fund for this purpose.

The aim of the project is to develop competences allowing social and professional activation, expanding knowledge and developing interests, stimulating educational and cultural activity and preventing social exclusion of people aged 50+, people aged 10-25 with special educational needs and youth carers.

Activities will be implemented in modules: for young people – social integration training and field classes and workshops on bibliotherapy, choreotherapy, music therapy, fine arts, theater therapy; for seniors – workshops on online security, choreotherapy, music therapy, plastic arts and theater therapy, and classes for geriatric nurses.

Higher education