Two students of the Medical University of Wroclaw win the Diamond Grants


Klaudia Bardowska and Dawid Przystupski from the University of Medical Sciences in Wroclaw became the laureates of the competition of the Minister of Science and Higher Education “Diamond Grant”. They received 220,000 PLN for the implementation of projects PLN.

Dawid Przystupski will carry out his research project “Sonoporation as a modern method of modulation of gastrointestinal cancer cell membranes in anti-cancer therapy” at the Department and Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at the Faculty of Pharmacy with a branch of medical analytics.

Klaudia Bardowska will realize her project “Biomarkers of recurrence and progression in bladder-cell carcinomas non-muscle-forming – relationship with inflammatory reaction and activation of the plasminogen system” in the Nephrology and Transplantation Medicine Clinic at the medical department of post-graduate education.

Higher education Research and development