Una Europa manifesto


Eight European research universities: Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Freie Universität Berlin, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, University of Edinburgh, Helsingin Yliopisto, KU Leuven, Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, united to create a union of universities Una Europa.

On June 8, universities published a joint manifesto about the university of the future, which is:-not a place, but a body of knowledge, ideas, and values, evolving freely beyond borders, mediums and time.
-the home, therefore the responsibility of its community, namely all the people who share and contribute to its ideals.
-created by and for society and as such driven to be of relevance, impact and high quality.
-an open tradition, using the lessons of the past as a fertile ground to grow solutions for the future.
-a mirror of humanity in all its diversity, reflecting cultures and languages, conventions and disruptions.
-resolutely independent, shaping its own standards away from the fleeting trends and the impulses of a hasty world.
-ready to embrace the challenges of this hasty world, whose fate relies on educated citizens.
-a laboratory of the here and now, where creativity and experimentation unlock the hidden potentials of tomorrow.
-an intellectual playground, where critical minds can expand to their full aspiration.
-a driving influence, transforming education on a wider scale, shaping Europe’s shared future for the better.
-intellectual entertainment for critical minds that develop according to their aspirations.
– a driving force, changing education and shaping a better future together.

Higher education