University Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan to hold a lecture on randomness in music


University Adam Mickiewicz and the Academy of Music. Ignacy Paderewski in Poznań invite participants on December 13 for the lecture “Randomness in music”, which in the Hall of Lubranski at the university Collegium Minus will be given by Prof. Jarosław Grytczuk from the Warsaw University of Technology.

The lecture is addressed to high school students and within the program “Mathematics in music and music in mathematics”. It will be devoted to the broadly understood randomness that many composers use in their works. Randomness provides the performance of a musical piece depending on the toss of coin.

Professor Grytczuk is a specialist in the field of discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science. He conducts active scientific activity, and he is also a great popularizer of mathematics among a wide audience. He is also interested in the phenomenon of uniqueness in combinatorial structures used in contemporary music.

Events Higher education