University of Adam Mickiewicz University and University Viadrina to launch European New School of Digital Studies


University of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) are implementing the innovative project European New School of Digital Studies (ENS). The goal of ENS is to create a new area in scientific research and didactics regarding digital transformation.

In the winter semester 2020/21, the first students of the Master of Digital Entrepreneurship (MoDE) will start studying. They will acquire knowledge and skills from various disciplines, which will allow them to analyze the digital transformation of European society from a scientific perspective and in the future conduct their own commercial or non-profit activity.

The partners are planning to expand the offer with the Bachelor of Digital Studies and Master of Science, Technology and Society Studies, as well as postgraduate studies. There are also plans to create a doctoral program and Fellowship program for post-doc researchers.

Higher education