University of Gdańsk researcher’s book awarded by the Polish Society for Film and Media Studies

Uniwersytet Gdański

The book ‘Smaller Cinema. In the circle of films of the Czech and Slovak New Wave’ by Dr Grażyna Świętochowska from the Department of Film and Media of the Institute of Cultural Research of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Gdańsk was awarded the prestigious prize of the Polish Society of Film and Media Research for the best debut of 2022.

The book ‘Minor Cinema. In the circle of films of the Czech and Slovak New Wave’ is an attempt at an analytical reading of films belonging to the currents of the Czech and Slovak New Wave, which make use of tendencies found rather on the periphery of traditional cinema and enter into a dialogue with the practices of global art and modernist cinema.

According to the jury of the Polish Society for Film and Media Studies, the entry “constitutes a thoughtful, mature, extremely interesting and inspiring theoretical statement on the seemingly all-too-familiar phenomenon of the talent explosion in Czech and Slovak cinema of the 1960s”.

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