University of Life Sciences in Wrocław student becomes a laureate of the BioLAB scientific internship programme

Bartlomiej Magierowski/East News

Natalia Romek, a fifth-year biology student at Wrocław University of Life Sciences, has been awarded a BioLAB scientific internship programme conducted in the United States. At the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, under the supervision of Dr Gary Gorbski, she will study cancer cells.

The BioLAB programme is a one-year internship for students in the biological, chemical, biophysical and medical sciences at four US research institutions. The results of the research conducted during the internship often become the basis for articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals such as Nature.

The project conducted during the internship will serve to deepen our knowledge of, among other things, how cancer cells divide and how to precisely identify them. The results of the research will bring us closer to a more accurate diagnosis of cancer in the future and will allow us to improve anti-cancer targeted therapies.

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Medicine and biotechnology