University of Life Sciences in Wrocław to create model cattle breeding in Lower Silesia


The Dolnośląska Zielona Dolina DOZEDO, University of Life Sciences in Wrocław, and the University of Economics in Kraków, the Lower Silesian Agricultural Advisory Center in Wrocław, the commune of Radków and Lower Silesian breeders are  forming a consortium implementing the project “Innovative methods of breeding cattle to obtain the best quality of Lower Silesian beef”.

Development of beef cattle breeding in the Sudety Foothills, where only 50 percent of permanent grassland are used,  is one of the elements of the Green Valley Food and Health program included in the development strategy of Lower Silesia and on the list of strategic government projects. The concept uses the best French standards from Limousine and Charolaise cows.

– We want to make the brand of beef from the Green Valley should become recognizable in Poland, because that’s what we called it. This means the introduction of a certification system preceded by appropriate breeding quality – says the project manager, Prof. Jan Twardoń.


