University of Lodz to participate in European research project 


The University of Lodz, together with IMC Fachhochschule (Austria), Mid Sweden University (Sweden), Hochschule Niederrhein (Germany), Kai Politikon Epistimon (Greece) and Ventpils Augskola (Latvia), participates in the European research project ERASMUS + ENDORSE, which will be looking for innovative solutions to prevent the brain drain from academic cities.

The Promotion Center of the University of Lodz explains that the aim of the project is to develop concepts that will raise students’ competences necessary for entrepreneurial activity. The project starts in 2022 and will last until 2025.

The project will classify the areas affected by brain drain as well as the types of business models that can be applied to each type of area. Study materials and courses will also be developed to strengthen the entrepreneurial potential of students. In particular, researchers will analyze the conditions for women and immigrants.

Higher education