University of Technology and Humanities in Bielsko-Biała and the company Aqua S.A to cooperate


University of Technology and Humanities in Bielsko-Biała and the company Aqua S.A. will start cooperation. The agreement signed by the partners opens the platform for the implementation of joint projects.

Cooperation will include supporting the university’s educational and research goals, developing cooperation platforms between the business and science, and implementing research and development projects. Joint activities have been conducted since October of the academic year 2019/2020. They will result in didactic classes for students of the faculty of materials engineering, construction and the environment conducted by specialists and practitioners from Aqua S.A.

Aqua S.A. is a company responsible for collective water supply and sewage disposal from the area of Bielsko-Biała and neighboring municipalities, which provides annually about 14 million m3 of water and receives and treats about 12 million m3 of sewage. The company has two large and several smaller water treatment plants and two mechanical and biological sewage treatment plants.

Higher education