University of the Commission of National Education in Krakow to be launched in October

Marcelina Woźnicka UKEN

On 30th August 2023he Sejm of the Republic of Poland has passed a law giving the Pedagogical University of the Commission of National Education in Krakow a new name: the University of the Commission of National Education (UKEN) in Krakow.

‘I am pleased with the decision of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland and I would like to thank the parliamentarians, but also the authorities of the faculties and institutes as well as the management of the administration for their support and substantive discussions on the proposal of the change of the name of the university, which better shows the real scope of activity of our University and its classical character’, said the Rector of UKEN, Professor Piotr Borek.

The Rector of UKEN assured that pedagogy will continue to be at the centre of research and will be implemented in the mission of the university. Remembering the tradition, we must not forget that today as many as 21 disciplines are present at our University and in them we successfully conduct research activities’, added Prof. Piotr Borek.

The act will now go to President Andrzej Duda for signature. The new name will be effective from 1 October 2023.

Higher education