On 30 January 2024, a symposium ‘From fundamental discoveries to a safe and sustainable future’ will be held in the auditorium of the Old Library of the University of Warsaw (UW). The event is organised by the UW’s Centre for New Technologies.
The programme will include the following lectures: “Does mRNA technology have the potential to change the face of modern medicine?” by Prof. Jacek Jemielity, “Optical quantum technologies: from foundations to applications” by Dr Michał Parniak-Niedojadło, “Beauty and the Beast – new materials and technologies in times of energy transition” by Prof. Wojciech Grochala.
The idea behind the conference is to hold an open discussion on the role of science in meeting the major challenges of civilisation (including health, sustainable environment and sustainable energy). A panel discussion is also planned with the participation of the Rector of the UW, Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, and CeNT scientists.