University of Zielona Góra staff and students monitoring storks in Africa

Stanislaw Bielski/REPORTER

White storks observed by students and staff of the Faculty of Biological Sciences at the University of Zielona Góra are spending the winter in Africa. Thanks to the installed loggers, observers from the University of Zielona Góra know exactly their every move.

Out of 30 storks ringed in western Poland, 19 made it to Africa. 11 died along the way – mainly electrocuted on power poles (attempts to spend the night).

The storks observed by scientists are currently in Chad (4 individuals), Sudan (1) and Ethiopia (3). One has died in Chad (transmitter has not moved for a long time). The storks are slowly moving towards the equator, probably in search of food. One stork is behaving unusually – it is staying at a rubbish dump near Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt) all the time.

The record holder has already flown 12,000 kilometres. And the other storks between 7,000 and 10,000 kilometres. They will probably return to Poland only in three years, as they need to reach sexual maturity, reads the university’s website.

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