Vice-Rector of the University of Economics in Wrocław receives the CIMA Excellence Award


Professor Bartłomiej Nita, Vice-Rector for Finance and Development at the University of Economics in Wrocław received the prestigious Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) Excellence Award in the subcategory Best Practice: Academic partner.

– It is a great honor that our cooperation has been recognized within the entire region of Central and Eastern Europe. At the same time, it obliges me and the University to maintain a high quality of the education process and further develop programs jointly with CIMA- said Prof. Nita.

The cooperation of the University of Economics in Wrocław with CIMA gives measurable benefits regarding the possibility of educating students according to the highest international standards, in line with the expectations of employers and market requirements. The structure of the CIMA program results from cross-sectional research conducted worldwide in international corporations.

Higher education