VII Night Encounters with Science to be held at Rzeszów University of Technology

Politechnika Rzeszowska

On 13 October 2023, the academic campus of Rzeszów University of Technology (PRz) will host the VII Night Meetings with Science.

The programme of the Night Encounters with Science and this year’s Night of Explorers includes a night tour of the laboratories of Rzeszów University of Technology. According to the organisers, students from scientific circles at the Rzeszów University of Technology will arouse in the youngest children a desire to experiment and learn about science. Interactive demonstrations and experiments in physics, among other things, are planned. 

The student research clubs will present bolides, Martian rovers, as well as flight and road vehicle simulators. There will also be the latest technology: robots and rapid prototyping machines.

Experimentarium See! Build! Demonstrate! has prepared a polytechnic workshop for younger explorers. It will be possible to discover the various facets of electricity. Electricity will also play a starring role in the “High Voltage Theatre” performance. 

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