Warsaw University joins Eastern Partnership University Cluster

Uniwersytet Karola w Pradze

A ceremony was held at Charles University in Prague to sign a letter of intent creating the Eastern Partnership University Cluster, which included the University of Warsaw (UW). 

The aim of the partnership is to create a consortium consisting of European Union universities and Eastern European universities.

Universities associated in the Eastern Partnership University Cluster will jointly implement projects in four key areas: education, science and research, best practices and the social role of the university.

In addition to the UW, the consortium includes: Charles University in Prague, University of Heidleberg, University of Cologne, University of Milan, Eötvös Loránd University, as well as Kyiv National University, Uzhhorod National University, Lviv National University, Dnipro National University, Tbilisi State University and Moldova State University.

During the signing of the letter of intent, the UW was represented by Professor Sambor Grucza, Vice-Chancellor for Cooperation and Staff Affairs.

Higher education