In Darmstadt, Germany, a facility is being developed that will help in the study of matter and the evolution of the Universe. Thanks to the Get_involved internship and apprenticeship programme, students, PhD students and researchers from the Warsaw University of Technology will participate in the international project.
The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) is one of the largest research projects in the world. The accelerator was initiated by the German Society for Heavy Ion Research (GSI). The facility will use antiprotons and ions for research in the fields of nuclear, hadronic and particle physics, atomic and antimatter physics, high-density plasma physics, as well as applications in condensed matter physics, biology and biomedical sciences.
Researchers from the Faculty of Physics and the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology at PW are already participating in experiments conducted at the FAIR/GSI facility.
Now, with the Get_involved programme, they will be doing their internships in Darmstadt, lasting between 3 and 6 months.