Warsaw University of Technology students analyzes the impact of a pandemic on energy consumption


The analysis of the occurrence of coronavirus in the world and its impact on energy consumption was created in the Adek Scientific Club, which operates at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology (PW).

-In our project, we focused on Italy, but the model is adapted to examine the correlation for any country, if we provide it with such data – explain the students of the Warsaw University of Technology.

The analysis for Italy shows that with the increasing number of coronavirus infections, energy consumption decreases. The more rapid the coronavirus infections increase is, the more rapidly the energy consumption decreases.

It is worth emphasizing that the increase in the number of SARS-CoV-2 cases translates into the introduced restrictions, including closing or limiting the performance of factories, companies, schools, cinemas, restaurants or museums, which slows down energy consumption.

Technical sciences