Warsaw University students win ECMI Student Competition 


A team of students from the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics at the University of Warsaw (UW) has won a competition on applications of mathematics, organised by the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI).

The winners of this year’s ECMI Student Competition were a team of students from the UW Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, consisting of: Jacek Zgud, Kajetan Fornalik, Paweł Rosłoniec and Tomasz Sibicki.

The competition task was created by the Girteka Logistics shipping company. Over the course of two months, the students were tasked with developing decision-making models based on data on the company’s realised transports.

The competition is organised by the ECMI consortium (European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry), which brings together European universities and companies. Its main mission is to promote and educate about the applications of mathematics in industry, finance and other sectors of the economy.
