Warsaw University’s Centre for Research on the Culture of Warsaw prepared an exhibition “The French in Warsaw”

Centrum Badań nad Kulturą Warszawy Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

The French Embassy in Warsaw is hosting the exhibition “Les Français à Varsovie” (“The French in Warsaw”) prepared by the Warsaw Culture Research Centre at the University of Warsaw (UW). The exhibition looks at the social and cultural links between France and Poland from the earliest times to the present.

The exhibition shows places such as churches, cemeteries, institutions, as well as cultural works related to French culture in Warsaw from the earliest times to the present. It also presents, from different perspectives, the processes related to the resettlement and assimilation of the French in the Polish capital.

The exhibition is held under the honorary patronage of Frédéric Billet, Ambassador of France in Poland, and is part of the ‘Multiculturalism of Old and Modern Warsaw’ project, which aims to show the multicultural face of the capital over the centuries and to present the processes of assimilation and settlement of the city by people of other nationalities such as Italians, French, Armenians, Ukrainians, Swedes, Norwegians and Japanese.
