West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin launch two new laboratories

Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny

Laboratories for 3D printing from concrete and the extraction of raw materials from waste are being built at the Faculty of Construction and Environmental Engineering of the West Pomeranian University of Technology (ZUT) in Szczecin. The laboratories will start in full swing from January 2024 and will cost almost PLN 7 million, the university reports.

The concrete 3D printing laboratory will be equipped with a large-size printer. The device will allow for the production of structural elements with dimensions of 4x2x2 metres. It will make it possible to produce bespoke prototypes of ceilings and columns, as well as small architectural elements.

The laboratory for obtaining raw materials and energy from waste will include test benches for analysing rainwater and the content of petroleum substances in wastewater. ZUT scientists will investigate the possibilities of extracting compost or aggregate for concrete more efficiently from waste and wastewater. Large companies will be advised on how to segregate and recycle problematic waste, and how to rehabilitate landfill sites. 

Read more: https://www.zut.edu.pl/zut-strona-glowna/informacje-biezace/article/zut-drukuje-betonem-w-3d-i-szuka-sposobow-na-lepsze-wykorzystanie-odpadow-w-nowych-laboratoriach.html

Technical sciences