The AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow invites participants on March 16, 2018 for the Friday Science Evening, organized on the occasion of the World Pi Day.
The event is addressed to children and adolescents aged 11-15. After the inaugural lecture, participants divided into smaller groups will take part in workshops, experiments and logic games. The event will be held under the patronage of the Rector of the Krakow Academy Professor Tadeusz Słomka. All attractions are prepared by employees and students of faculties of Applied Mathematics, Materials Science and Ceramics, Power Engineering and Fuels, Physics and Applied Computer Science.
Events promoting mathematics and science are inextricably linked to the International Day of Pi Number (3,14), which is celebrated on March 14. The date is not a coincidence – in the American record (first month, then day) March 14 we read as 3.14, which corresponds to the Pi value.
The Friday Evening of Exact Sciences will be held at the Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow at ul. Reymonta 19, building D-10 from 17.00 p.m.