Wroclaw Medical University launching ‘Move your heart’ educational programme

Uniwersytet Medyczny we Wrocławiu

The Medical University of Wrocław is launching the educational programme “Move your heart”. The campaign will raise awareness of the importance of immediate resuscitation and teach how to perform it effectively and safely.

‘We only have a few minutes to save a human life, so together with our partners we want to raise awareness that administering first aid is not difficult and can only help and not harm’, says, rector of the Medical University of Wrocław, Professor Piotr Ponikowski.

“Move your heart” is not the university’s first initiative related to first aid and life and health saving. The university has equipped buildings on campus with ten automatic external defibrillators AED and is conducting an information campaign on the use of these devices (including spots on public transport, training among employees). 

Read more: https://www.umw.edu.pl/pl/aktualnosci/porusz-serce-i-uratuj-ludzkie-zycie

Higher education