Wrocław scientists become co-authors of prestigious publication

Politechnika Wrocławska

An article describing a breakthrough discovery in the field of quantum research has been published in Nature Communications: for the first time ever, it has been possible to obtain excitons in a topological insulator. This success is due in part to a group of scientists from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology (‘PWr’).

The research described in the article was conducted by an international team of scientists. It consisted of representatives of the ct.qmat research cluster, established, among others, with the German universities of Würzburg and Dresden, as well as a team from the University of Bologna and researchers from PWr.

The polytechnic team’s research has fully confirmed the theory that it is possible for light to interact efficiently with atom-thin topological matter. The results open up a new field of study for optically controllable topological matter in both fundamental and application aspects. The discovery could lead to new light-controlled components for quantum computers.

Read more: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/naukowcy-z-w11-wspolautorami-prestizowej-publikacji-to-kamien-milowy-dla-elektroniki-kontrolowanej-swiatlem-12771.html

Technical sciences