Wroclaw University of Economics nominated to participate in the Fulbright Specialist Program

Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu

The University of Economics in Wroclaw has been nominated to participate in the Fulbright Specialist Program 2023. As part of the programme, the university will host Jamie King Belinne from the University of Houston, Bauer College of Business from the United States.

Jamie King Belinne is an expert in intergenerational management and performance improvement through the use of diverse interpersonal styles. She teaches constructive conversations, networking and generational integration in the executive education programme. She developed and currently teaches an innovative business course for students in which participants solve real-world business problems in collaboration with local non-profit organisations and businesses. 

The Fulbright Specialist is a short-term scientific and research exchange programme, which aims to deepen and expand cooperation between Polish institutions and American scientists and scholars.

Read more: http://www.ue.wroc.pl/aktualnosci/27415/sukces_uew_w_programie_fulbright_specialist_2023.html

Higher education