Wrocław University of Economics once again becomes a partner of The Global Interdisciplinary Green Cities Conference

Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wroclawiu

The University of Economics in Wrocław will once again be a partner of The Global Interdisciplinary Green Cities Conference. The conference is the result of collaboration with the American Roger Williams University and in particular with Dr Minoo Tehrani from the Gabelli School of Business.

This time, the event is organised by the University of Augsburg hosting deliberations, panels and scientific discussions from 20 to 24 June on important environmental issues located in the theme of Green Cities. The next event, scheduled for 2024, will take place at the Berkshire Innovation Center Pittsfield, Massachusetts, USA.

In 2019, the Wrocław University was the organiser and hosted participants of the previous edition of The Global Interdisciplinary Green Cities Conference in Wrocław, Poland. Since then, Prof. Ewa Stańczyk-Hugiet, Vice-Chancellor for Research and Academic Personnel, has served on the programme committee of this scientific event.

Read more: http://www.ue.wroc.pl/aktualnosci/27248/uew_partnerem_the_global_interdisciplinary_green_cities_conference.html
