Wrocław University of Economics prepared a publication for its foreign students

fot. Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu

The Wrocław University of Economics has prepared a publication for its foreign students. “Welcome Guidebook for International Students” is a unique guidebook that will help foreign students better integrate into university life and familiarise themselves with all the important information about the university.

“Welcome Guidebook for International Students”, is a compendium of essential information about life on our campus. You will find everything you need to successfully start your adventure at our University! You will discover key data about our institution, our mission and vision, and you will also have access to key contacts, information about the Dean’s Office or instructions on how to borrow books from the library. Everything collected in one place”, informs the university.

“The Welcome Guidebook also contains information about the rich student life including language courses, student organisations and study clubs.”

Read more: https://uew.pl/welcome-guidebook-for-international-students/

Higher education