Wrocław University of Economics receives a positive institutional assessment EUA-IEP


Wrocław University of Economics (UEW) has successfully completed the EUA-IEP institutional assessment process. This is the third university in Poland that has successfully passed the EUA-IEP evaluation procedure.

The European University Association (EUA) is an organization of European universities conducting research and teaching activities, as well as national associations of rectors and other organizations related to science and higher education. It provides member institutions with the opportunity to exchange information in the fields of higher education and research and enables sharing of best practices by participating in joint projects and events involving many universities.

The Institutional Assessment Program (IEP) is an independent EUA membership service. It offers evaluations of participating institutions supporting them in the further development of strategic management and internal quality culture.
More: http://www.ue.wroc.pl/aktualnosci/20291/eua_institutional_evaluation_programme_iep.html#.XXKI0CgzbIU

Higher education