Wrocław University of Science and Technology was globally ranked 999 in the world and 378 in Europe in the Center for World University Rankings. It is also eleventh among Polish universities and research units. The university was ranked 901 in terms of the degree of employment of graduates in the world’s largest companies and was ranked 957 in terms of research and publications.
Center for World University Rankings is the most comprehensive ranking of this type in the world. The current ranking lists the top 2,000 universities out of a total of 19,788 universities. Their positions depend on seven indicators grouped into four thematic groups.
The quality of student education is assessed, based on the success of graduates and how the latter cope on the labor market, the prestige of academic staff resulting from their achievements, publications in leading scientific journals and citation rates.
More: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/pwr-w-gronie-5-najlepszych-uczelni-swiata-12420.html