Wrocław University of Science and Technology students designed a night shelter for people in crisis of homelessness 

Politechnika Wrocławska

Students at Wrocław University of Science and Technology have designed a night shelter for people in crisis of homelessness. They worked on their concepts throughout the semester, visited the St. Brother Albert’s Aid Society night shelter, talked to its staff, and consulted experienced architects and specialists in environmental engineering.

The result of the architecture students’ work is four designs for a night shelter for people in crisis of homelessness. They were created for credit in the course Studio habitat – complex housing structures.

The students’ proposals included a green roof and green facades, photovoltaic panels and solar collectors, rainwater management (with retention tanks), a water recuperator and heat recovery system from used water e.g. after bathing, a dual installation (a system for recovering grey water and reusing it for flushing in toilets), rain gardens, ecological cultivation gardens and greenhouses, and flower meadows.

Read more: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/studenci-pwr-zaprojektowali-noclegownie-dla-osob-w-kryzysie-bezdomnosci-we-wspolpracy-z-miastem-12807.html

Technical sciences