Wrocław University of Science and Technology to cooperate with the Framatome


Wrocław University of Science and Technology has signed a contract with Framatome company. The university and one of the leading companies in the global nuclear energy sector will conduct joint research and provide study trips and lectures by specialists.

The signatories emphasize that they intend to work on curricula for the next generations of nuclear energy specialists. They are planning internships and training for regular and doctoral students. Also, research work will be part of the cooperation, including thermal and flow issues and safety analysis.

The partners will also jointly conduct educational activities on nuclear energy to raise public awareness of the technologies, its safety and importance in the context of global warming. This is important due to the plans of the Polish government to transform the energy sector.

More: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/politechnika-wroclawska-podpisala-umowe-z-koncernem-framatome-11932.html

Higher education Technical sciences