Wrocław University of Science and Technology to offer paid internships for students in the Municipal Transport Company


Wroclaw University of Technology will cooperate with the Municipal Transport Company in Wroclaw. The contract was signed by the Vice-Rector for General Affairs Prof. Jerzy Jasieńko and president Krzysztof Balawejder. It assumes the organization of paid professional internships for students.

Ten students will obtain the internship with remuneration for their work – PLN 640 per month. The internship lasts at maximum three months, and the scope of duties will be determined individually. The contract was signed for a year, with the option of extending it and increasing the number of internships.

– Participation in the internship can be a great opportunity for students not only to learn about the potential workplace, but also about the labor market in Wroclaw. It is important to both our university and the city authorities that students, after completing their studies, tie their future with the capital of Lower Silesia. I hope that there will be more such initiatives in the future – says the Vice-Rector.
More: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/platne-staze-dla-studentow-w-mpk-wroclaw-11628.html

Higher education